Prince Edward County

We opened our second location in Prince Edward County in 2015, and have since expanded to a lovely farm and wedding venue in Sophiasburgh. On our property sits a 200 year-old church.


We're in the midst of restoring the chapel, so we can see our dreams for this beautiful place come to fruition in a few years. The house is also one of the oldest in Ontario and the perennial gardens here are like something out of a Jane Austen novel. We can’t wait to show what we’ve got planned.


Coriander Girl Weddings

Currently under construction


Photo: Karyn Valino

Photo: Kayla Rocca

Photo: Coriander Girl

Photo: Kayla Rocca

Photo: Kayla Rocca

Photo: Kayla Rocca

Photo: Coriander Girl

Photo: Andrew Cloutier

Photo: Kayla Rocca

Photo: Kayla Rocca

Photo: Karyn Valino

Photo: Coriander Girl

Photo: Karyn Valino

Photo: Karyn Valino

Photo: Kayla Rocca

Photo: Karyn Valino

Photo: Coriander Girl

Photo: Karyn Valino

Photo: Coriander Girl

Photo: Coriander Girl

Photo: Karyn Valino

Photo: Karyn Valino

Photo: Karyn Valino

Photo: Coriander Girl

Photo: Kayla Rocca

Photo: Karyn Valino

Kayla Rocca

Photo: Karyn Valino

Photo: Karyn Valino

Photo: Karyn Valino

Photo: Karyn Valino

Photo: Coriander Girl

Photo: Karyn Valino

Photo: Coriander Girl